The Swedish Language Technology Conference is a biannual conference where people working on various aspects of natural lanugage processing in Sweden and the rest of the Nordic countries come together to exchange experiences. The conference also prides itself on always having invited talks given by the world leaders in the field.
This years conference was held in Uppsala, Sweden, on November 13 and 14. There was a great number of interesting contributed talks, but the highlights of the conference was still the invited talks. Stephen Clark from Cambridge gave a very enlightning talk about The Theory and Practice of Compositional Distributed Semantics. Mirella Lapata, Edinburgh, explained how she and her group have used Wikipedia together with its English Simple version to learn a system for simplifying texts. Finally, Slav Petrov, Google New York, described his work on using syntax in semantic processing.
From the MICO side, Johanna Björklund presented the paper Automatic Speech Recognition in Media Asset Management, co-authored with Emil Lundh, while Henrik Björklund gave a poster presentation of the paper Interactive learning of syntax-based natural language queries.
At the end of the conference, we were proud to have the organizers announce that the next SLTC, in 2016, will be held in Umeå, organized by the Natural and Formal Languages Group, i.e., the Umeå partner of the MICO consortium.